Research Methodology : Methods And Techniques - No Cost Library

Research Methodology: Methods And Techniques - 4th Edition

Research Methodology : Methods And Techniques C.R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg 4th edition pdf free download

   Author(s): C.R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg  
        Publisher: New Age International Publishers, Year: 2019

In order to make the learning more systematic, this fourth multi colour version was better fitted. In older chapters, more specifics are added, taking into account the need for sophisticated data processing in social science studies. The use of the famous SPSS statistical programme has also been illustrated in several examples. It is necessary to follow an acceptable methodology in quality research. The present book presents the foundational and specialised standard of research methodology debate so that researchers can become acquainted with the art of using methods and techniques of research. The book is intended to act as a textbook for graduate and postgraduate level students in social science. The book can be considered a well-organized reference for social science researchers and other fields.
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