When Love Came Calling - No cost library

 When Love Came Calling

When Love Came Calling - pdf free download

   Author(s): Preeti Shenoy   
        Publisher: Srishti Publishers, Year: 2020   

Puja - 19, puzzled, enthusiastic, fiery. Her theory - Life is hard and it has only been worked out by super achievers. Her stern mother takes her to a remote area in Kerala to do volunteer work for her summer holidays.

Arush - 20, studious, cautious, timid. Born and raised in Britain, he's happy when he gets the chance to spend 12 weeks in India, a city where his parents are from and one he's never been to.

Their stark discrepancies are evident to each other when Puja and Arush cross. Yet they start to get to know each other with the choppy internet and no other obstacles, and eventually fall in love. But it's not the same thing to fall in love and to live in love.

Puja is forced to face the harsh reality of life as tragedy hits, though Arush discovers that India is not indeed the picture-perfect postcard that he presumed it was. What happens to their passion, urgently battling to reveal the truth and save themselves? Is it powerful enough for powers outside their influence to survive? Is it deep enough to drown out questions on their own?

You have to ride far to discover your true self occasionally.
An deeply gripping book about teenage love and exploration by Preeti Shenoy.
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