The Globalization of World Politics - No Cost Library

The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations - 

6th Edition

The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations -  6th Edition pdf free download

   Author(s): John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens 
        Publisher: Oxford University Press, Year: 2014   

Trusted by over 300,000 students in over 120 countries, The Globalization of World Politics is the most definitive and full guide to IR available, making it the go-to text for students of international affairs. The newest version of this is international textbook has been thoroughly revamped and updated to reflect the current problems in world affairs, including 35 recent international case studies, including the BRICS, the Gaza Liberation Flotilla, the Sudanese civil war, the drones, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the rise of China, the Occupy campaign, and the Syrian Revolution. I think the text has a wonderful new chapter by Andrew Hurrell addressing the changing world order and some of the biggest problems that will be shaping the challenges to be addressed in the next decade. The various experts mentioned in the text introduce the students to the best work on international affairs, history, ideas, systems and key problems, offering a launch-pad for those who later on would prefer to focus their time on studying in the field of IR.

Lastly, there is a well-funded research centre that offers full coverage and information on the area of medicine and pharmacy.

Tools for students:.

Mind Maps is new to the 5th edition.
Event stories will be added.
Videos submitted by writers new to this edition and to the novel.
This site features a selection of links to posts, blogs, and video clips of related material.
Glossary of flash cards.
Questions that require multiple options.
A revision guide.
The teacher services we suggest include.

Case studies are added further.
Test bank
Question bank
PowerPoint slides revised
Figures and tables from the book
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