Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting - No Cost Library

Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting

Story: Substance, Structure, Style and The Principles of Screenwriting pdf free download

   Author(s): Robert Mckee  
Publisher: It Books, Year: 1997

The screenwriting workshops of Robert McKee have gained him an international reputation for encouraging novices, refining works in progress and bringing substantial careers in screenwriting back on track. Just a handful of his celebrity alumni include Quincy Jones, Diane Keaton, Gloria Steinem, Julia Roberts, John Cleese and David Bowie. To his lecture series, writers, creators, production executives and agents all flock, enjoying it as a mesmerising and intense learning experience.
In Novel, in his $450 workshops (considered a must by business insiders), McKee builds on the lessons he teaches, presenting readers with the most detailed, interactive interpretation of the art of writing for the screen. No one knows better how all the components of a script work together, and no one is better suited than Robert McKee to describe the "magic" of plot creation and the relationship between structure and character.
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