Satellite Communications Systems Engineering - No Cost Library

Satellite Communications Systems Engineering. Atmospheric Effects, Satellite Link Design and System Performance - 

2nd Edition

Satellite Communications Systems Engineering. Atmospheric Effects, Satellite Link Design and System Performance -2nd Edition pdf free download

   Author(s): Herbert Lieberman, Leon Lachman, Joseph B. Schwartz  
        Publisher: Informa Healthcare, Year: 1989   

The first edition of Satellite Communications Systems Engineering (Wiley 2008) was written for those involved with the configuration and efficiency of satellite communications systems engaged in fixed point to point, television, mobile, radio navigation, data relay, electronic communications, and related satellite based applications. In this second revised edition, the core concept and also the procedures for this book remains the same, though, there are modified technologies in the book as well, and new parts introduced along the way. The selection, "Introduction to Satellite Communications", is focused on graduate level satellite communications course content and has served as the primary text in electrical engineering Master's and PhD courses in satellite communications and related fields. This book is for students of electrical, communication, and electronics networking classes, who might be pursuing an advanced engineering course at the Master's or PhD level and who would like to brush up on both topics of electromagnetic interference and acoustic noise, respectively. Also, this is for any student who is looking for a primer on this specific subject in this engineering area.
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