Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles And Practices) - No Cost Library

Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles And Practices)

Pharmaceutical Engineering (Principles And Practices) cvs subramanyam pdf free download

   Author(s): Author: C.V.S. Subrahmanyam, V.Kusum Devi, Sarasija Suresh, J.Thimma Setty 
        Publisher: Vallabh Prakashan, Year: 2009   

In 2001, we introduced a book entitled 'Pharmaceutical Engineering.' Two volumes (I and II) of the 2nd edition of Pharmaceutical Engineering were available, in tune with the syllabus prescribed by many universities over two semesters and on the syllabus lines prescribed by AICTE.

However, this 3rd edition is framed according to the prescribed syllabus of the Pharmacy Council of India (see subsections 6, 7 and 8 of the 2014 Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) course regulations. The syllabus contains 14 sections: Industrial Production & Fundamental Concepts, Fluid Flow, Size Reduction, Size Isolation, Heat Flow, Evaporation, Distillation, Drying, Blending, Filtration, Centrifugation, Building Products, Corrosion and Solid Transport.

Particular focus is on:

1. Applying concepts

2. A collection of diagrams on idea mapping lines

3. Questions and responses in comment form

4. MCQs and the bank of main and issue
. Download Free Books

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