Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - No Cost Library

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - 9th Edition

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine - 9th Edition pdf free download

   Author(s): Wallin, Elizabeth; Wilkinson, Ian Boden; Baldwin, Andrew; Longmore, J. Murray  
        Publisher: Oxford University Press, Year: 1989   

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine appears to be the authoritative pocket-friendly guide to medicine in its ninth edition now. This manual is filled with useful guidance, wit, and insight, the product of over 25 years of practise at the bedside and in the community.

Clinical knowledge is provided in a straightforward manner in the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine that makes it easier to study, recall, and incorporate on the ward. With clinical photos and diagrams that add life to theory, it offers accurate guidance about what to do, what to do it, and how to do it. This book weaves history, literature, poetry, and theory into its medicine survey explicitly for a medical text, throwing fresh light on the specialities and inspiring the reader to look past the clinical facets of medicine and follow a patient-centred approach to treatment.

With a more contemporary style and more than 600 colour pictures and diagrams, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine looks better than ever before. With structured flowcharts and modern diagrams, the History and Review chapter has been entirely revised so that it represents actual bedside experience better. To make them much simpler to use the map, cross-references and references were overhauled. To ensure consistency, each chapter was written with expert oversight in each area and revised to incorporate applicable recommendations from the NHS, NICE, the Resuscitation Council and other main professional bodies.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, cherished and trusted by generations of physicians, continues to be an invaluable companion for modern medical practice.
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Book Review:
The Bees' Medicine Feet. A brilliant novel that is all-round. In virtually all cases, knowledge well set out and easy to find is extremely useful, entertaining to learn...

Critical algorithms/reference intervals helpfully situated on front and back inside covers are helpful aside from helping memorisation; a most excellent and obviously very well-thought-out novel. I always enjoyed the more personal and compassionate side of clinical medicine, it is beautiful to see the sterile, biomedical content mixed up with tales that are funny, inspiring and touching. THE greatest book a student in medicine will ever use.

It's just too easy to find, and there's just enough scope for me! I use the book as an easy reference/recall and review method, like many other students, and it is for lack of a better word) great for that.

Each of these should be owned by a medical student in their clinical years, and I believe most of them already do! You're losing out if you don't.

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