Yogi Ram's Lectures on Surgery - No Cost Library

YogiRam's Lectures on Surgery - No Cost Library

Yogi Ram's Lectures on Surgery pdf free download

   Author(s):  Dr. Yogi Ram Bolisetty  
        Publisher: Sri Rama Medical Book Publishers, Year: 2014

'Yogi Ram's Lectures on Surgery' is a presentation of lectures given by the speaker, Dr Yogi Ram Bolisetty, at the Global Medical Education Center, Global Hospital, and at Dr. Yogi Ram 's Medical Education Center, Hyderabad since 2002. In the tests, it is intended for medical students to have a straightforward subject that is easy to understand and reflect. From different standard textbooks, the content is gathered. This second edition is updated with the latest surgery information. It has a new feature that allows students to quickly review the topics just before the exams with line diagrams, flow charts , tables and description boxes for all the subjects. In this version, all the line diagrams are drawn in such a way that the students can clearly understand the definition and enable them to present them clearly in the exam.

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