Review of Forensic Medicine - No Cost Library

Review of Forensic Medicine - 7th Edition

Review of Forensic Medicine - 7th Edition pdf free download

   Author(s): Sumit Seth  
        Publisher: Peepee Publishers, Year: 2018   

Significant features of # RoFM 7.0 Bullet format, with comprehensive chapter-wise MCQ Bank, covering all aspects of Forensic Medicine. The point-based technique to assist undergraduate students to study the topic and perform well in the Viva. A must-read in the PG Entrance Test for any student aspiring to the top ranks. It is tightly packed with data and can be read with a high degree of retention in the shortest possible time. Completely checked knowledge in textbooks such as Spitz and Fisher and Bernard Knight. Innovative high yield analysis techniques: Memorizers Mnemonics Confuzer Spotting cf. To confer N.B. Nota Bene Ideas Mapping Future Query Areas Forensic Name Game Forensic Imaginarium * Retro-Analysis
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