Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - Book 4 - No Cost Libary

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -   (Book 4)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Book 4) pdf free download
Author(s): J.K. Rowling  

Hogwarts is scheduled to host the Triwizard Tournament. Only wizards over 17 are eligible to participate-but that does n't stop Harry thinking he'll win the competition. Then at Hallowe'en, when Fire's goblet makes its list, Harry is surprised to find that his name is one of those picked out by the magical cup. He'll face death-defying challenges, dragons and Dark Wizards, but with the aid of his best friends, Ron and Hermione, he could just make it through-alive!

These new editions of the classic and globally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature Jonny Duddle 's immediately pick-up-able new jackets, with unparalleled child appeal, to introduce Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. It's time for the Magic to Go.

Book Review:

The fourth book in the Harry Potter series, Goblet of Fire, starts with a common theme in mind: Tournaments. First, Harry is invited by his friend Ron Weasley to the finest sporting event in the magical world, the Quiddith World Cup Final, whose boss, Arthur Weasley, has been able to secure the best seats through his contacts at the Ministry of Magic. Then, after Harry, Ron , and Hermione arrive at Hogwarts, the school's headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, declares that the legendary Triwizard Tournament will take place at Hogwarts.
The Wizarding world, of course, continues its day-to-day operations outside of school without understanding the identity of the evil wizard, Lord Voldemort. Wizards and witches are for the most part blissfully unaware of the fact that Voldemort is gradually getting stronger after his cowardly but faithful minion, Wormtail, has returned to him. With Wormtail 's support, though still largely weakened, Voldemort is once again able to begin his bidding and dangerous activities.
In reflecting on this fourth novel, I got the impression that the whole novel is all about things that were not actually intended to happen. For starters the Death Eaters during the Quidditch World Cup were not expected to carry out their attacks. The fourth (and under-age) entrant to the Triwizard Tournament was not meant to be Harry Potter. The tournament trophy should not have been a portkey conveying Harry and Cedric to the distant location of Lord Voldemort. Cedric shouldn't have died in that graveyard the way he did (again, absolutely preventable if the trophy wasn't portkey). So then, for the fourth time, Harry Potter shouldn't have been able to escape from Lord Voldemort 's dark clutches (when others hadn't even managed a single escape).
But all those nots have helped make this book an fascinating look into Harry's fourth year at Hogwarts, in a special way. And as a result, by the end of it, Harry was physically, emotionally and mentally stronger. Having gone through the Triwizard Tournament and escaping for the fourth time, Voldemort became the breeding grounds for the rock-solid self-belief and trust that would come in handy in the series' last three novels. It was the book allowing us readers to experience Harry 's transition from a infant to an aspiring young man.

The Lovely Moments
Although in this book we had to see Harry going through some difficult and heart-breaking defeats, there were some comical moments thrown in by J.K throughout the tragedy. Rowling: Rowling. The Dursleys, of course, never fail to offer their devious ways to some funny times.
"They [the Dursleys] were Muggles who hated and despised magic in any way whatsoever which meant Harry was about as welcome as dry rot in their house. We also described Harry's lengthy absences at Hogwarts during the past three years by informing us he was heading to the Safe Center for Incurably Dangerous Boys in St. Brutus. "—Page 19.
Harry's cousin, Dudley, starts to blossom, as always. Not blossoming with regard to his character or skills, but with regard to his ... um ... excess poundage. Dudley had been so obese that his nurse at school had written to Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia asking them to change the diet for Dudley. Why? Why? And if they didn't, then they'd have to face the fact that Dudley "had exceeded a young killer whale's size and weight" (page 27).
The funniest moment came at the most unexpected period in this entire fourth book: Divination lessons with Professor Trelawney. Both Ron and Harry were becoming annoyed by the wild and unfounded suggestions of Trelawney that Harry will in his immediate future suffer different forms of gory deaths. Yet it was the friend Ron and Harry, Lavender Brown, who brought in the book's best joke.
"Dear Professor, behold! I think I have a world that isn't planned! Oooh, which one, Professor? "It's Uranus, my friend," Professor Trelawney said, peering down on the charts.
"Might I also take a look at Uranus, Lavender?
"Ron said. Most unfortunately, Professor Trelawney heard him and maybe it was this that made her send them too much homework at the end of the semester.
(Páginas 201–202) Did J.K. do that?
Just make a (dirty) joke about 'Uranus??? These re-readings of Harry Potter series sure do reward!
The Slight Noises
This fourth book in the series featured a few slight complexities.
The most subtle one was nestled within a conversation between Harry, Ron and Hermione that was being held by the trio while aboard the Hogwarts Express carrying them to Hogwarts. The talk based on Harry's Hogwarts archnemesis, Draco Malfoy. "But I believe that Drumstrang must be in the far north somewhere," Hermione said with thoughtfulness.
"Somewhere very dark, because their uniforms require fuzzy capes." "Ah, think about the possibilities," Ron said dreamily.
"It would have been too easy to drive Malfoy off a glacier and make it seem like an accident .... Shame on his mother ...." Although throwing the slippery Malfoy off a glacier does sound appealing, the fact that Ron also found that Malfoy 's mother seemed to love her son was what caught my eye.
Of course, any mother would love her son (even a son as devious as Malfoy), but the reason Ron's apparently off-hand remark is so significant is because Malfoy's mother's love for her son, Draco, is what helps her to save Harry 's life at the end of the seventh book when Harry "returns" from the dead and Voldemort asks Malfoy 's mother to check on Harry to see if he's dead or alive. The Complete Thoughts
If you've read any of my past three reviews of Harry Potter books, you'll know this "insightful thoughts" portion of those past three reviews is full of the wisdom of Dumbledore's.
Okay, in this fourth book, Dumbledore offers some much-needed guidance to Hagrid. Hagrid, depressed by a bleak and revolting interview with Rita Skeeter Daily Prophet, has asked Dumbledore to consider his resignation. Dumbledore also leaves him with an excellent thought in denying Hagrid 's request: "Honestly, Hagrid, if you're holding out for universal fame, I 'm afraid you'll be in this cabin for a very long time." Dumbledore knows (better than anyone else) that trying to please everybody is a daunting undertaking task — it's just too difficult to try.
Alternatively, Dumbledore implores Hagrid (and all of us who read the books) to trust our intuition and place our faith in the people we care for. Screw everyone else, their negative views will hold no weight over us. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather also had a brilliant quote as he and the trio (Harry, Ron , and Hermione) addressed Mr. Bartemius Crouch's recent behaviour: "If you want to learn what a man is like, take a good look at how he handles his inferiors and not his peers."
Ultimately, given the events of the past few weeks in our real world, the last piece of Dumbledore 's wisdom that stood out to me has had a profound impact on me.
Freddie Gray's sudden and unexplained death at the hands of the Baltimore police caused a lot of protests and unrest around the country (but, particularly Baltimore). I think what Dumbledore had to say at the end of Goblet of Fire helped to shed some light on how we should develop as a society in times of chaos and social unrest like this. "I tell you all, once again — in the light of the return of Lord Voldemort, we are just as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
The gift of Lord Voldemort to propagate discord and enmity is truly wonderful. Only by having a similarly strong bond of friendship and confidence can we overcome it. Habitual and language gaps are nothing if our aims are similar and our hearts are open "(page 723)

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