Complete Companion For GPAT & Other Competitive Examinations In Pharmacy

Complete Companion For GPAT & Other Competitive Examinations In Pharmacy

Complete Companion For GPAT & Other Competitive Examinations In Pharmacy pearson pdf free download

   Author(s): Umang Shah, Ashok Akarbari, Amit Kumar Baser  
        Publisher: Pearson Education, Year: 2019   
 Book Review: 

The Pearson Guide to GPAT: This book supposedly covers all the topics given under the GPAT syllabus but the theory part isn’t very detailed and is hardly reliable. Use this theory only as a last resort if you’re left with topics just a few weeks before GPAT exam. The best part is that there are MCQs given at the end of topic/subject. Solving these is a great way to assess how much you know and what do you need to revise. It gives you mock papers too.

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