BRS Pediatrics - No Cost Library

BRS Pediatrics

BRS Pediatrics pdf free download

   Author(s): Lloyd Brown
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Year: 2018


Like other titles in the Board Review Collection, BRS Pediatrics is intended to provide students with a solid base in both primary and subspecialty pediatrics for subsequent learning.

Features of BRS Pediatrics:

  • A detailed review of basic pediatric concepts
  • Detailed information for pediatric sub-internships and rotations in pediatric subspecialties
  • At the end of each chapter, case-based analysis tests (Simulation of USMLE Phase 2 questions)
  • Explanations of the correct answers and the incorrect answers with cross-references to the related text for student follow-up
  • Comprehensive 100-question final-of-book review
  • You will find that BRS Pediatrics is going to be an invaluable tool for pediatric rotation, rotation end review and USMLE Phase 2.
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