Basic and Clinical Pharmacology - No Cost Library
Basic and Clinical Pharmacology - 14th Edition
Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Year: 1989
A recent full-color illustration strengthens the most up-to-date, detailed and authoritative pharmacology text in health medicine
A 2019 Doody 's Central Title!
Organized in many pharmacology courses and standardized curricula, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology to represent the syllabi, the Fourteenth Edition covers the essential concepts students need to learn about pharmacology theory and its application to clinical practice. Selection of the topic and order of its presentation are based on the many years of experience of the authors in teaching this content to thousands of students in medicine , pharmacy, dentistry, podiatry, nursing and other health sciences.
To be as clinically relevant as possible, the book includes sections specifically addressing the clinical choice and use of drugs in patients and monitoring their effects, as well as case studies that introduce many chapters to clinical issues. Presented in full color and enhanced with more than three hundred illustrations (many new to this edition), Basic & Clinical Pharmacology features various overview tables and diagrams encapsulating important details.
• Each chapter ends with student-acclaimed review tables
• All the students need to know about pharmacology science and its application to clinical practice
• Heavy focus on drug groups and prototypes
• AND NEW! 100 New Tables on Drugs
• Includes 330 full-color illustrations, case studies and table summaries of the chapters
• Arranged to show the pharmacological syllabi
• An description of effective new medicines
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