A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacy Practice: Essential Concepts and Skills - No Cost Library

A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacy Practice: Essential Concepts and Skills

A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacy Practice: Essential Concepts and Skills pdf free download

   Author(s): G Parthasarathi; Karin Nyfort-Hansen; Milap C Nahata; Milap C. Nahata
                          Publisher: University Press, Year: 2012        

In the Indian case, this book aims to equip pharmacists with the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill their roles in clinical pharmacy practice. The emphasis is on presenting information about how to practice clinical pharmacy, rather than what to know about drugs and therapeutics. Completely overhauled and revised, this edition features four new chapters: Public Pharmacy Practice, Pregnancy and Lactation Medication Usage, Medical Testing and Poison Information Ethical Issues. These chapters explore areas of practice of great interest to Indian pharmacists, resulting in a more detailed overall text. To make the topics as simple and relevant for the reader as possible, a balanced mix of material, case studies, references, and website links was given. Expanded appendices contain laboratory reference principles for adults and how to take drug history. Salient features: • New and revised chapters • Additional tables, sample forms and appendices • Goals of learning and main messages for each chapter • New case studies, practice examples and activities • Updated glossary.

Book Review:

The clinical pharmacists of the future must receive high-quality, patient-focussed teaching from well-trained teaching faculty. This new edition will make a major contribution towards achieving this goal. It is my great pleasure to commend this textbook, as it will help take forward the ongoing role of strengthening pharmacy practice in our country. --Prof. B Suresh President, Pharmacy Council of India

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