Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis
Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis 5th Edition
Author(s): Cynthia C, Pamela K
Publisher: FA Davis company Year: 2011
- Prepares you to evaluate and treat human movement disorders with lucid discussions of biomechanics, joint structure, connective tissue behavior, and muscle physiology.
- Features an evidence-based approach that applies current research to illustrate and prepares you for the complexity that evidence-based content brings to practice.
- Focuseson the continuum of normal structure and function to show how deviations from normal may create or underlie disordered movement or dysfunction.
- Enhances your comprehension of content with end-of-chapter questions.
- Illustrates real-world application using Patient Cases and Case Application that show you WHY they need to understand the principles presented and the close link between normal and abnormal musculoskeletal function.
- Highlights key points with Concept Cornerstone boxes and periodic summaries.
- Promotes critical thinking on controversial topics through Continuing Exploration boxes..
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