Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology - 26th Edition

Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology - 26th Edition

Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology - 26th Edition

   Author(s): Kim E. Barrett, Susan M. Barman, Heddwen L. Brooks, Jason Yuan, Scott Boitano  
                                    Publisher: McGraw-Hill, Year: 2019                                           

Ganong 's Analysis of Human Physiology has helped many in the scientific profession grasp human and animal physiology for more than four decades. Ganong's concisely addresses every important subject without losing breadth or readability, praised for its informative and engagingly written style, and contains more comprehensive , high-yield details per page than every other comparable text or analysis.

Ganong 's Review of Clinical Biology, Twenty-Sixth Edition, extensively revised to reflect the current studies and advances in key fields such as chronic pain, reproductive physiology, and acid-base homeostasis, uses illustrations from clinical medicine to explain relevant physiological principles. Ganong's will prove useful to students seeking a succinct USMLE analysis, or doctors trying to keep up with the ever-changing field of medical physiology.

• More than 600 full color pictures

•Two styles of issues under review: end-of-chapter and board-style

•THE First! The number of surgical cases and flowcharts grew

•THE First! Author's video tutorials; high-yield Frequently Asked Question feature with detailed explanations; improved legends removing the need to turn back to the text.
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