A Short Textbook of Psychiatry: 20th Year Edition - No Cost Library

A Short Textbook of Psychiatry: 20th Year Edition

   Author(s): Niraj Ahuja
                                    Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Year: 2010                                           

The short medical textbook seeks to offer a concise and detailed description of mental conditions and their related facets. Although trying to make the book straightforward and easy to understand, an effort was made to keep the book consistent with the new advances in methods of diagnosis, vocabulary and care.
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Book Review:

The number of psychiatry textbooks created over the last couple of years shows how difficult it is to please everyone with a single book. In psychiatry, which derives its expertise from so many scientific fields and encompasses such a wide area of human life, it is undoubtedly more difficult to determine the details should be excluded from a textbook than in any other branch of medicine and at which points the debate should be curtailed. The different selection policies that shape psychiatric textbooks account largely for the varying measure of approval they receive, depending on the reader's ideas, interests or prejudices being compatible with the author's apparent views. Professor Linford Rees has solved this issue to a large degree by effectively condensing a huge quantity of valuable knowledge from several separate but connected fields into a book of acceptable scale. He has addressed different areas of medicine, such as neuroscience, biology, environmental causes, the classical behavioral illness and, of course, psychosomatic disease; and he has managed to avoid misleading his readers. He has explained in a well-balanced manner, in addressing rehabilitation, what medical, psychotherapeutic, mental , and social therapies have to offer. He has used a succinct, pithy format, with clear points that students who won't want a host of qualifying remarks as they first attempt to learn psychiatry can quickly comprehend. Anyone reading this novel, both teachers and physicians, can enjoy the soundness of the author's approach to his subject matter. J

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