Self Assessment & Review Gynecology 9th Edition - Sakshi Arora - No Cost Library
Self Assessment & Review Gynecology 9th Edition
Author(s): Sakshi Arora
Publisher: Jaypee Publishers, Year: 2018
Bestseller Gynecology book has been closely reviewed and revised with the latest picture-based and exam pattern questions. Contains a succinct summary of the text in a contemporary context. Includes the most recent issues relating to AIIMS 2015 and PGI 2013. It includes over 200 new trend-setting questions. Throughout Gynecology, color plates are given in a separate section of "Instruments, Specimens and Radiology." Annexes of last-minute revision first used. Includes latest stagings, innovative testing tools and updated HPV vaccination. Substantial HSGs and hysteroscopical vision were used for the first time. Will listen on surgical and other gynecology exams for undergraduates, new medical schools, assistants and other postgraduate aspirants.
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