Park's Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine (Park's PSM) - 24th Edition - No Cost Library
Park's Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine
Author(s): K.Park
Publisher: Bhanarsidas Bhanot, Year: 2015
Book Review:
Park's Manual On Preventive And Social Medicine-Man has been involved in attempting to regulate illness since time immemorial. The master of medicine, the healer, the herbalist, and the sorcerer all sought to heal the sickness of master and/or to provide healing to the ill in different ways. Despite an almost utter lack of modern medical experience, it would not be fair to suggest that the early medicine practitioners did little to relieve the misery of man from sickness.
In reality, scientific knowledge was extracted from the logical and empirical ideas and accumulated observations gleaned by others to a very great degree. A pharmacy history thus leads to a study of successes and mistakes, erroneous assumptions and misconceptions and misinterpretations.
It is also an analysis of the evolution of man and human knowledge throughout the ages; of the biographies of eminent individuals who have practiced medicine; of the discoveries and inventions of various historical periods; and of the ever-changing concepts, goals and objectives of medicine. Medicine has drawn richly from the traditional cultures of which it is a member, and then from the biological and natural sciences, and more recently from the social and behavioral sciences, in the process of its evolution, which continued by steps, with progresses and stops. Hence, medicine is based on the best of the past.
In the crucible of time, science has developed into a strongly bureaucratised and politized social structure. During the 20th century, the "explosion" of awareness has made medication more complex, and care more costly, but in many nations, the effects of modern medicine have not yet reached the social outskirts. The startling disparities between developed and emerging countries in the condition of health, between rural and urban areas and between wealthy and poor have drawn worldwide condemnation as "social inequality." Under the World Health Organization flag, the aim of all countries is to root out gaps in the provision of health goods and services, and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
The goal of modern medicine is no longer merely sickness care. The other and more important priorities that have arisen are disease prevention, health development and enhancement of the people and associations or societies' quality of life. In other words, in recent years , the scope of medicine has grown considerably. It is also seen as an integral part of socio-economic growth
Book Review:
In reality, scientific knowledge was extracted from the logical and empirical ideas and accumulated observations gleaned by others to a very great degree. A pharmacy history thus leads to a study of successes and mistakes, erroneous assumptions and misconceptions and misinterpretations.
It is also an analysis of the evolution of man and human knowledge throughout the ages; of the biographies of eminent individuals who have practiced medicine; of the discoveries and inventions of various historical periods; and of the ever-changing concepts, goals and objectives of medicine. Medicine has drawn richly from the traditional cultures of which it is a member, and then from the biological and natural sciences, and more recently from the social and behavioral sciences, in the process of its evolution, which continued by steps, with progresses and stops. Hence, medicine is based on the best of the past.
In the crucible of time, science has developed into a strongly bureaucratised and politized social structure. During the 20th century, the "explosion" of awareness has made medication more complex, and care more costly, but in many nations, the effects of modern medicine have not yet reached the social outskirts. The startling disparities between developed and emerging countries in the condition of health, between rural and urban areas and between wealthy and poor have drawn worldwide condemnation as "social inequality." Under the World Health Organization flag, the aim of all countries is to root out gaps in the provision of health goods and services, and achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
The goal of modern medicine is no longer merely sickness care. The other and more important priorities that have arisen are disease prevention, health development and enhancement of the people and associations or societies' quality of life. In other words, in recent years , the scope of medicine has grown considerably. It is also seen as an integral part of socio-economic growth
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