Inderbir Singh’s Human Embryology - 11th Edition - No Cost Library

Inderbir Singh’s Human Embryology - 11th Edition

Inderbir Singh’s Human Embryology - 11th Edition
   Author(s): Inderbir Singh 
                                    Publisher: Jaypee Publishers Year:2018                                           
A completely new outlook to the book with thorough revision and updating of all the chapters.
• The book presents essential concepts in human development for medical students.
• Each chapter opens with highlights followed by various descriptions of the normal development of particular systems in a systematic manner.
• New chapters on:
1. Genetics and molecular biology in embryology
2. Skeletal system and muscular system
3. Clinical applications of embryology
4. Embryology ready reckoner
• Richly illustrated with simplified figures, 3D images and modification to existing figures.
• Addition of detailed explanation for all the images.
• Tables and flowcharts for easy understanding.
• Clinical images of various fetal anomalies.
• Clinical correlations have been added and highlighted in separate boxes to enhance the clinical concepts of the students.
• Molecular and genetic basis of development of a system presented in every chapter in tabular format.
• Incorporation of case scenarios with embryological explanation for each chapter.
• Review questions provided at the end of each chapter for self-assessment
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Book Reviews:

Embryology is a subject that needs to be understood and conceptualized well before it's registered in the brain's memory and its recovery system. This book fulfills the mission and after a beginner reads it, he will maintain some of the fundamental embryological principles the require daily encouragement to grasp the topic. No other book on medical embryology which is available in India is written so simply.
The book is common, important and appropriate for preclinical-medical-year students. I consider the book for virtually all my undergraduate classmates. It is evident from the fact that this is the 8th edition, that the writers are extremely popular. As members of the junior faculty told me they had read this book during their college days, I asked myself a question––should I use that book? I wish I had them! This should have avoided several hours of scrolling through a number of messages. Most importantly, it places basic human embryology within a clinical context. This provides ample scientific knowledge to understand information concerning congenital disorders. Many pages are devoted exclusively to illustration. The pictures are attractive and colourful. The text is written in simple English, and provides enough detail that a beginner in medical science can easily follow. In each section, key words are highlighted and give the overall content of a chapter. The tables are laid out well and are concise. Specific chapters concentrate on body functions and organ systems.
It's not all positive in the novel though. For example , the authors have used some obsolete scientific terms in the textbook (such as endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm); these can be replaced by modern commonly recognized terminology. Imaging technologies of the twenty-first century have progressed enormously, so they must be used. Nowhere in the book is presented the concepts of general embryology and techniques for researching embryology. The first chapter describes simple cell division––mitosis, and meiosis; followed by an explanation of genetic information shuffling. This chapter should have just a few lines on 'parthinogenesis' and its embryological importance. The following chapters refresh the reader's knowledge of gametogenesis and fundamental issues regarding gametogenesis errors. This also serves as an update and convenient reference on chromosome-related illnesses. A few new diagrams to understand monosomy and trisomy have been added. An additional table on the gamete for males and females is useful when planning for a viva or functional test. Any statistics require revision. The new images added here are fine.
The Implantation and Placenta chapter has room for development. The new edition has given information on implantation, as well as the causes and receptors that interact and assist with implant. Only the mode of implantation is described in humans though three forms of implantation were identified with diagrams in the older version. The placental villi are identified before tertiary villi is formed. No note is made of the actual interchange site inside the terminal villi. In the latest edition the events that occur during placenta formation were tabulated.
The color schemes are very good in chapter seven. Nerve tissue formation which was absent in the 7th edition was included in the new edition. The myelination process was also described, and neural tube derivatives and neural crest derivatives were enumerated, which were not present in the previous edition. Tabulation of the timelines of events in mammary gland development is described well in Chapter 8, and helps to easily understand the events. A lateral view of the embryo was introduced in Chapter 9, which helps to explain the arches' growth and location and to equate them with functional class models. In the rest of the chapters, a few new tables and diagrams have been added which have improved the book in general.
The big adjustment is the inclusion of chapter twenty-two in the latest edition. Many embryology books explain the genetic basis for the creation of various organ systems; however, there is no clear explanation of basic information of the developmental genes, their mode of action and expression. This chapter fulfills that purpose. It explains the regulation of gene expression, mode of differentiation and growth factors, and some of the applied aspects. The basis of dorso–ventral and cranio–caudal expression and segmentation, which is important for understanding regional characteristics during embryonic development, are also explained.

In the next edition, I would like to see the addition of a CD incorporating questions and unlabelled diagrams for interactive learning and self-assessment. The publisher has neglected the binding of the book and this needs attention.

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