Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology - G K Pal - No Cost Library

Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology - G K Pal

Comprehensive Textbook of Medical Physiology - G K Pal
   Author(s): G K Pal  
                                    Publisher: Jaypee, Year: 2017                                           
 Description and Highlights:

• Educational Objectives: to include, at the beginning of each chapter, the gross substance of the subject further divided into the category 'Should Know' which should at least be learned by the student and the category 'Will Know' which the student wishes to learn.

• Research Contribution: The major achievements of the best scientists in the fields involved have been listed as contributing scientists. This will not only provide knowledge about medicine growth, but also encourage students to participate in physiology and medicine science.

• Application Boxes: Subjects addressed are illustrated in Feature Boxes.

• Clinical Bins: the definitions related to patients and disorders are illustrated in Clinical Bins.

• Important Note(s): As Important Note(s) other important and valuable details are stressed.

• Presentation: All important and nuanced material is arranged and delivered in a point-specific manner to identify the subjects and address all relevant issues.

• Flowcharts: The key terms in the flowcharts are condensed and summarised.

• Graphical diagrams and graphs: using schematic diagrams and graphs, all important and significant processes and their theories are identified.

• Standardized tabular format: Essential data required by the students were provided in a standardized tabular format.

• Histological Pictures: All pathways involving tissue or organ structural information to explain the definition were described with correct histological photographs.

• Chapter Review: All the main issues conclude with a two-part Chapter Description. The first part, Key Concepts, depicts the topic's main theme, while the second section, Should Read / Know, depicts all the possibly long as well as short questions for the theory exam and viva voce. This would certainly be really helpful to the students.

• A comprehensive textbook that incorporates all the requirements of a medical student who imparts knowledge and skills in the subject matter, acquires the ingredient needed to write the exam and sparks his or her aspiration to progress in the occupation.

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Book Review:

Physiology is a central medical subject. Beginning with knowledge of body functions, physiology offers the definition of dysfunctions, the basis for identifying the causes of illness and insight into the treatment and prevention of the disease. Numerous clinical studies including neurological disorders, autonomic dysfunctions, cardiovascular and respiratory conditions, endocrinal, renal, reproductive and metabolic problems are performed in well-equipped physiology department laboratories. This book "Medical Physiology's Definitive Textbook" is divided into 8 parts and contains 83 chapters in total. The first segment focuses on the general physiology. Second section focuses on blood and immunity, and the third section covers nerve and muscle. A short focus on autonomous nervous system and gastrointestinal system was given in section four and fif. The sixth section deals with endocrine physiology while the seventh section concerns reproductive function. Renal system was covered in last section. Many of the relevant details, unique topics and lengthy material a student has to recall is displayed in standardized tabular formats. Reading the tables helps you easily study and recall the data. All chapters end with a 'Chapter Summary' divided into two parts. The first element is the 'Key Concepts' which represents the topic's core concept or key take-home message. It is not the summary of the essay, but rather the overview of the principal concepts. The second part is the 'Need to Learn (Must Read)' which provides all the possibly long questions and short questions that usually come up in theory exams.

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