Textbook of Human Anatomy, Volume 1 - Vishram Singh - No Cost Library

Textbook of Human Anatomy, Volume 1: Upper Limb and Thorax 

Human Anatomy Vishram Singh
   Author(s): Vishram Singh    
                                    Publisher: Elsevier India, Year: 2014                                           

Prompted by the first edition 's approval, this author's effort (the second edition) incorporates extensively revised and modified text, divided into twelve sections structured in three parts.

Part I: General Physiology – contains the text in a section's five chapters.

Part II: Systemic Physiology – contains a total of ten parts, one for each system of the body.

Part III: Specialized Applied Physiology-contains seven chapters in a section.

• Text completed and revised to address the needs of postgraduates in physiology with recent advances.

• Simple introduction to practical anatomy accompanied by formal text analysis is special in this volume.

• The addition of more molecular and functional elements renders this edition unique.

• Applied physiology, illustrated in the bins, has been extended and revised with recent pathophysiology ideas and developments in fundamental and advanced medical science and principles.

• Four-colored text and figures in an enticing style.

• Illustrated in over 1100 paint combinations with other new features.

• Various tables and flowcharts augmented for easy interpretation.

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