Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine - 20th Edition
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine-20th Edition
Author(s): J. Larry Jameson et al.
Publisher: McGraw Hill, Year: 2018
Introducing the Landmark Twentieth Edition of the Global Icon of Internal Medicine
The definitive guide to internal medicine is more essential than ever with the latest in disease mechanisms, updated clinical trial results and recommended guidelines, state-of-the art radiographic images, therapeutic approaches and specific treatments, hundreds of demonstrative full-color drawings, and practical clinical decision trees and algorithms
Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine gives you the informational foundation you need to provide the best patient care possible.
Book Reviews:
Description: Harrison's has become the go-to guide on the latest interpretation of pathophysiology for decades for the internal medicine specialists. This 20th version upgrades the 19th version which was published in 2012.
Purpose : The purpose remains the same: to provide students with a comprehensive, up-to - date reference throughout their careers, from medical students to experienced doctors and consultants.
Audience: This is a book for all medicine students no matter how experienced they may be. The authors brought together the most knowledgeable and experienced experts to review the latest journal literature updates to provide a basis for the practice of medicine.
Features: The book is divided into 20 parts, covering broad topics such as medical profession, cardinal manifestations and disease presentation, oncology and hematology, immune-mediated, inflammatory and rheumatological diseases , and environmental exposure-related disorders. The pieces are further broken down into specific topic areas, such as suffering, bacterial disease treatment, critical neurological care. Lastly, these sections are subdivided into chapters that cover conditions such as urticaria, angioedema, and allergic rhinitis, with lists of suggestions for further reading. A large number of full-color statistics, formulas, and logical tables are available throughout the book to illustrate the text. When readers are familiar with the format of the book, it is very simple to use the related patient management algorithm in the front cover page which directly refers them to the page concerned. There is also a list of available videos; additional subjects, such as microbial bioterrorism, lumbar puncture technique; and rashes atlases, disease oral presentations, and electrocardiography. The online edition of the book can be downloaded individually from the AccessMedicine website, which provides for a 30-day free subscription.
Assessment: The new edition extends this book's excellent reputation as the leading critical voice on internal medicine.
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